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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Msgbox for ASP.Net

Messsagebox function for ASP.Net.
Call this function from the server side, and a msgbox will appear on the client browser. As a bonus, the msgbox javascript is added after the rest of the form, so the browser displays the html for the page and then the msgbox.

Imports System.Text

Public Sub UserMsgBox(ByVal sMsg As String)

Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
Dim oFormObject As System.Web.UI.Control

sMsg = sMsg.Replace("'", "\'")
sMsg = sMsg.Replace(Chr(34), "\" & Chr(34))
sMsg = sMsg.Replace(vbCrLf, "\n")
sMsg = ""

sb = New StringBuilder()

For Each oFormObject In Me.Controls
If TypeOf oFormObject Is HtmlForm Then
Exit For
End If

' Add the javascript after the form object so that the
' message doesn't appear on a blank screen.
oFormObject.Controls.AddAt(oFormObject.Controls.Count, New LiteralControl(sb.ToString()))

end sub

Happy coding..!!

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